This service is providing an adult shared community they noticed a lot of seniors, disabled and others were being displaced from their homes. They have several locations across the country one of which is here in Georgia. This program also does supportive services such as providing transportation to doctorsβ appointments, grocery store runs, and other appointments. The location for this service is here in Augusta, GA and services in other counties such as Cobb, DeKalb and Douglas county . This is due to homeless shelters and DV housing shutting down across the State of Georgia. Some of the other locations even provides childcare for the recipients in the program. You can learn more about this program here at this link A The Heart In Community (
Helping Mamas is a program located in Norcross, GA that assists families in need of baby care items and period care products. The program is also mobile and not limited to the Gwinnett County area but for all Georgia Families. This program has reached one hundred and twenty-thousand children thus far. This program works directly with shelters, school districts and shelters. Learn more about this program here
COVID-19 has had vast impacts on service delivery to clients across the spectrum. GPB covered the effects food pantries have felt with rising inflation and decreases in donations. One bright spot is the increase in work-from-home policies have allowed more flexible hours for volunteers. You can find the article here.
How has rising inflation impacted your work?
Hello Economic Self-sufficiency Community!
The Urban Institute released this brief discussing the implications of inflation on public supports and low-income families. The brief discusses SNAP, TANF, SSI, and Tax Credits. The report found that "many, but not all, public supports that help those families make ends meet do take inflation into account when providing benefits, but those adjustments lag behind the pace of accelerating prices." Many families are still playing catch-up and will continue to lag behind once inflation rates equalize.
EMPath's Mobility Mentoring is a holistic approach to moving clients out of poverty and accomplishing their goals. You can find more information by visiting EMPath's website.
What are your thoughts on this approach to helping client's create self-sufficiency?
Hello Economic Self-Sufficiency Community!
I want to share the Intergenerational Mobility Project from the Center on the Developing Child and EMPath* with you. In the TedTalk below, Beth Babcock discusses how a science-informed approach can break the cycle of poverty. She explains how poverty impairs the development of executive functioning and shares the success of coaching models that help clients rebuild their executive functioning.
How can your programs account for poverty's effect on the brain to help clients rewire their executive functioning?
What do you believe are the key components in helping children and families become self-sufficient?