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Economic Self-Sufficiency



This group focuses on strengthening and supporting individuals and families on their path toward independence. Areas of focus include food, housing/utility assistance, vocational training etc.

Beyond the Poverty Line
Registered Member Right now it seems to be taking about 60 days for our parents. Yes you have to have a job or be in school. So a family has to have the money to pay for the child care until CAPS goes through. It is causing families, especially single family homes to be homeless and struggle to get out. For families who have a child with special needs, they might get CAPS eventually but then finding a child care provider who will take their child is another hurdle they have to cross. We have a lot of single... [ more ]
Registered Member Agreed. In a presentation by a CAPS rep yesterday, I learned the process can take at least 30 days min from a time a CAPS application is received before it is approved/processed. What establishment can hold a seat for 30-60 days when another family can pay? And at the same time, a parent must be in school and or working, even though childcare is not secured. How is this system really helping the families who need it most? [ more ]
Registered Member Brandy, right? Unbelievable what our families are trying to navigate living in poverty and working low wage jobs. Right now we are also seeing child care is such a need and after school care is such a need so parents CAN work. Parents who have children with disabilities are struggling to find any child care even when they have CAPS assistance. We don't have the safety net these families who working but living in poverty need. [ more ]
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